This is your public IP address:

Information about the server you are connected to:

Latitude: 40.0992
Longitude: -83.1141
City: Dublin
Region: Ohio
Country: United States (US)

If you are on this page, it is probably because you have been blocked from accessing any website / platform developed by MAIDOT. If that is the case, tell us on which website the blocking occurred and the IP address that appears on this page to the email

We will try to answer as soon as possible, we understand that this block can cause embarrassment.


What is the reason for the blockages?

Someone having their access blocked to a Website / Platform may be due to several factors, such as:

  • Several failed authentication attempts;
  • Attempt to intensive navigation getting multiple times in a short time, the page error not found;
  • Virus/malware/spyware on the computer that is trying to act maliciously on the websites you visit and the authentication itself;
  • If you are using a public network and / or a network used by several people (ex: within a large company), it may be the case that someone has been in one of the situations described above and the general internet access address (which in this case is common to all the people in the same network) has been blocked.

For these reasons and for others, it is important to understand in which case it is inserted so that the block does not happen again or, at least, try to reduce the risks of this happening again.