What is Agile Development?
Concept used by MAIDOT in the management of its projects

Agile Methodology

In the IT area, it is common to find debates about solutions and concepts. For example: Open Source x Private Solutions, or Physical Servers x Cloud Computing, among other subjects. With the Agile theme, it’s no different. But after all, what is the difference between Agile and Traditional methods?

First, we call the traditional method of managing projects following rigid sequences of phases based on these 4 principles:

– Planning

– Execution

– Tests

– Completion.

This type of approach sees the project as a temporary effort, with a well-defined objective and where delivery only makes sense when done in full. Here it is natural for the client’s participation in the definition of requirements to happen significantly at the beginning of the project and with little flexibility for change after the start of its execution.

The Agile methodology (agile) is more focused on bringing the client to be part of the entire project development process. Here, the project is separated and small parts, which are implemented in development cycles.

Before the start of each cycle, the customer is completely free to choose which features or changes have priority in development. It is important to note that, in general, one method is not better than the other, or that the development process of one is faster than the other.

What we like to reinforce is that each one has aspects that are more appropriate in certain types of projects. For example, when building a building, the final size of the building or the layout of each floor is not decided again, whenever a floor is completed. For projects with this type of complexity, management with more control and less flexibility for changes is recommended. As for projects like a website or mobile application, it is interesting to have the agility to be able to launch something fast, even if not completely finished. In this way it will be possible to obtain feedback from users and, of course, have the flexibility to change course to respond to customer needs.

Category: Curiosities

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